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Next Steps

Course Approval

Faculty peer review each other's courses (continue the learning community)

Who can help you on campus? What timelines do they need?

Activities I'm going to type in black for this one because it's easier to read

Leave-taking/Reflection on the process of going through all the modules, including evaluating the course or workshop series itself.

Marketing your course

Time management: How to maintain momentum in building the course?

Draft a course material timeline, including a GO LIVE date!

"Why does ATS cost so much?" Guest speaker, price comparison

Peer review of syllabi and course materials

Review of support services on campus

Panel discussion: Registrar, librarians, dean, course approval folks, etc.

Identify your own go-to resources

Who does what? ID/instructor definition of roles

Discussion on scoping and iterative development

Review local course approval policies, procedures, interface. Review concerns and advice given to peers previously in the course approval process

Draft a welcome announcement and video for your course.

Discuss grant-writing (how to get resources and funds to build your hybrid course) (PHCA? OIPP/UCOE? Specific to each campus)

Assess institutional readiness (use EDUCAUSE blended learning module)

Maintain an ongoing site (clarify whether it is a resource repository or a community)

Activities matching expectations

Deliverables (Purple sticky notes)

Timeline/budget for campus teams, so that faculty and IDs know what to expect when from themselves and others.

A local course approval submission

Group work projects

A self-description paragraph for a faculty community network

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