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Attending: Oliver Heyer (UCB, Chair), Mingsheng Yang (UCR), Leo Schouest (UCR), Kirk Alexander (UCD), Stephen Franklin (UCI), Steve Miley (UCSB), Phillip Stark (UCSC), Gail Persily (UCSF), Rose Rocchio (UCLA, CTG Liaison), Shohreh Bozorgmehr (UCI, ETLG Liaison), Jim Philips (UCSC, ETLG Liaison)


ETLG Update

The proposed name change from Instructional Applications WG to Instructional Platforms was approved by the ETLG

The draft charge letter will be taken up in the subsequent meeting.

OIPP update

OIPP webinar link

OIPP metrics

Discussion of which metrics to track in OIPP. Online instruction programs at our respective campuses may provide the right kind of data, but  OIPP might be a very different environment. There was agreement that we should align with the UCSB evaluation effort

Action Item: Read the evaluation plan and discover gaps / areas where this group can make a difference.


OIPP isn’t the group's only focus. Meeting topics will alternate between a focus on general (charge letters) issues one week and a focus on OIPP the next meeting.

We will use a synchronous online space for the next meeting.

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