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Meeting Time: 1:00-2:30

Dial In Instructions

  • Phone: 866-740-1260
  • Call ID:  8932378#

Please feel free to add to the points below as you would like to discuss items during this month's call.

  1. Roll call at 1:05 PM (George Michaels) - 5 minutes

  2. Review of Minutes from October 6 Meeting
  3. Unizin Face to Face Meeting Discussion
    1. Unizin presenting at the upcoming IMS Global quarterly later in Nov.:
  4. Third Party Tools Survey Update - Shohreh Bozorgmehri, Jenn Stringer, David Levin
  5. ILTI/UCOE Update - Mary-Ellen Kreher
    1. MiniHub Registrar Tool Demo - Mary-Ellen Kreher
  6. Campus Update: UCD - David Levin - Presentation Deck
  7. @ 2pm:  Learning Objects - Difference Engine Demo - Derek Hamner & Brian Behnke

    1. Introductions - 5 min
    2. Intro to Competency Based Learning & tools - 10 min
    3. Adaptive Learning - 5 min
    4. Questions - 10 min
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