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In Attendance

Jenn Stringer



David Levin



Paul Ver Wey



Shohreh Bozorgmehri



Mathew Williams



Todd Van Zandt



Israel Fletes



Sheryl Hathaway



Michelle Lew



Rose Rocchio



George Michaels

Santa Barbara


Jim Phillips

Santa Cruz


Jeff Henry

San Diego


Dan Suchy

San Diego


Gail Persily

San Francisco


Mary Ellen Kreher



Mike Wood



Jim Davis



Tom Andriola





  1. Update on New ETLC Charge - Israel

    1. New charge document circulated. Got good feedback, but still need to finalize the document to get it completed by mid-April to send on to ITLC. Off to a good start. Jenn and Israel had a meeting with Jim Davis and Tom a couple of weeks ago looking at the direction of the committee moving forward. Liaisons want to see more optimized communication with the ITLC. More regular items on their agendas.  Work on a 15 month agenda plan for the committee with specific focus.  Those missions/goals should guide the committee's work and outreach to other elements of the UC system. Wants to set up a Google doc for everyone to work on for the 15 month agenda. After the first 15 month agenda, move to an annual agenda. Not to be added in the charge letter, just a procedural measure. Looking at more specifics in the charge, and broadening the core membership from each campus for depth of coverage. Procedure for voting on issues, one vote per campus. Do we want to include that level of detail in the charge? Maybe not, but it should be written down somewhere. Can set up a bylaws document to handle documenting procedural details.

  2. Update on July Face to Face Meeting - Jenn

    1. Survey results. We are all over the map on attendance. In the survey let people rank order choices, os there is on consensus on a date. Options included a 1/2 day at the end if UCCSC, 1.5 days at UCSC connected to UCCSC. A one day meeting at Berkeley on Wednesday after UCCSC. Two days at Berkeley (Tue./Wed). Or two days at Berkeley later in July at Berkeley. No clear winner on the choices offered. Offer two choices for a vote:  Two days at Berkeley Wed/Thur after UCCSC, or two days later in July at Berkeley. Jenn to send out a survey later today or tomorrow. If the two days later in July is the winner, will send followup survey to pick dates in July.

  3. Update on COVC Working Group - Jenn

    1. COVC create created small working group . Respond to ETLC request and statements. 3 phone calls.Membership: address the request from ETLC as well as formulate a response. The workgroup consists of Provost UCSD, Provost Merced, Jan Rice UCLA, Amy Dorr, Jenn StringerWork through doc and formulate response.

    2. Response will not include discussion on funds for new initiatives for campuses that are paying in.

    3. Data Principles statement, questioning around doc. Did not feel much support.

    4. Data It will focus on a data principles statement. Data ownership and access piece really resonated . Not with the workgroup. The workgroup stated that this issue is not ETLC problem alone to solve . Will be reflected in the response.Does campuses and also pitched the question if campuses have a data governance structure?

  4. LMS CASA Working Group Update - moved to next meeting.

  5. Learning Analytics Task Force Update -  moved to next meeting.

  6. Principles Position Statement Update - Mary Ellen

    1. Statement of principles. Jim Phillips, Jim Williamson, Mary-Ellen have been working on this document. Started with Williams document. Looked at Privacy Principles and Values that was adopted systemwide. Embedding those principles and values and recommended practices, for how we manage learning data. Should be able to share by end of the week.

    2. Israel and Mary-Ellen will take this document to the UCACC meeting in late April for their endorseent.

  7. UCCSC - Israel / Jim Phillips

    1. Possible that learning analytics pilot group will be making a presentation.

    2. Merced submitted a session proposal on the deployment of canvas.

    3. Will include UCCSC update at next meeting.

  8. Campus Update - George