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Primary Liaison: Chris O'Neal - with temporary assistance from De Gallow (UCI)
Secondary Liaison: Mara Hancock (UCB)


  • Lisa Rothrauff - Chair (UCB)
  • Kirk Alexander (UCD)
  • Kumiko Haas (UCLA)
  • Kelsey Layos (UCI)
  • Michelle Lew (UCLA)
  • Mike Truong (UCM)
  • Leo Schouest (UCR)
  • Kim McShane (UCSB)
  • Robin Ove (UCSC)
  • Christine Bagwell (UCSD)
  • Christian Burke (UCSF)

Charge and Focus Areas: The Instructional Design and Faculty Support Workgroup will address issues concerning the design of course content for online delivery, and the challenges and methods of Blue Ribbon Faculty Support. We propose the following as a preliminary list of goals and objectives for this group:

  • Develop strategies for online courses across our campuses - standards, practices, opportunities for collaborations, opportunities for sharing content.
  • Develop strategies for blended courses across our campuses - standards, practices, opportunities for collaborations, opportunities for sharing content.
  • Explore Faculty Support at a distance - issues, strategies, lessons learned.
  • Consider Instructional Design at the UC - standards, practices, strategies, shared experiences.
  • Explore the potential power of a user group for faculty teaching blended and/or fully online courses - across all the campuses.
  • Formulate possible strategies for working at a discipline specific level, and forming communities of practice within those disciplines.
  • Provide ways to make this Workgroup available to UCOP for any additional consultation, review etc. regarding online instruction.

The Instructional Design and Faculty Support Workgroup will meet this summer to review this list with their ETLG Liaison for any omissions or changes, and then proceed with these topics for the FY 2010-11.