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titleUse Confluence to take notes during your meetings

Create a new meeting notes page using this template. Keep track of who attended, what has been discussed during the meeting and what needs to be acted upon.

Date: 11.3.2014


  • Jenn Stringer (UCB)
  • David Levin (UCD)
  • George Michaels (UCSB)
  • Dan Suchy (UCSD)
  • Jim Phillips (UCSC)
  • David Hutchins (UCSD)
  • MaryEllen Kreher (UCOP)
  • Mike Wood (UCOP)

Meeting Agenda


  • Review of the recommendations of the report (We will not have time to discuss all of these in our 50 minutes today. Shall we start at the beginning and see if we can get through Indemnification & Risk and Impact?)
  • Next steps and action items. (At 1:40 we should wrap up discussion and move to next steps and assignments.)



Action Items for Next Meeting


  • Determine what systemwide group is working on NET+ agreements and perhaps other agreements. Followup with Jeff Henry to get this.

  • We would look through the click -through document, and perhaps develop some use cases as examples. This specifically for instructional applications. Perhaps as many as three, one benign, one clearly problematic, and one that looks benign initially, but on deeper understanding reveals that there is more risk. Be able to provide faculty and staff with clear examples of what some of the issues and risks can be.

  • David to send the materials from MaryEllen to George for posting to the wiki. DONE

  • George to post notes on the site. DONE

  • Very important to develop the list of services we recommend against using for courses.

  • Consider developing a checklist for faculty and support staff. Jim’s point that faculty need very clear information on what the risks to the faculty, their department or their campuses might be. MaryEllen’s cautionary tale about the UCOE courses that faculty were allowing people not directly involved n the course into the site. Needed to work with University Counsel to develop an agreement for these non-course affiliated people to sign off on as a condition of participating in the courses. Also resulted in a decrease in the number of requests for non-affiliated people to access the sites. Can also be a problem for grad students added to a site as a TA before they actually have a TA appointment.

  • Schedule a second conference call to review and discuss the remaining recommendations.