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Draft Agenda 
8:45-9:15Coffee / cookies / fruit for early arrivals.
9:15-9:30Brief Introductions  / share pre-prepared summaries of campus on-line activity/interest (including courses, blended, flipped lectures, single course elements, lecture capture, etc.). This doesn’t need extensive detail or quantification – general sense of activity is good.
9:30-9:40Approval / or Modifications to agenda

Discussion topic:  Why online?  What problems are we trying to solve?

  • What goals are we trying to accomplish?  What is our target audience?
  • How fractured / coordinated are campus efforts?
10:50-11:00 Break
11:00- 12:00

Discussion topic:  How good is “good enough”? 

  • Do production values have any influence on better learning? 
  • What metrics can we each use without creating a single template for everyone?
  • Has an emphasis on complex productions precluded faculty from using on-line approaches
  • How dependent are we on external or income-based funds?
12:00-1:15Catered in-room lunch (sandwiches, salads, drinks, etc.)

1:15- 2:15


Discussion topic:  Where can we benefit from each others’ experience in:

  • creating Creating an on-campus forum for our own faculty (e.g. UCSB’s), 
  • developing Developing student prep materials (e.g.  How to take an online course, or... How to tell if you are a good candidate for online instruction), engaging with faculty to create multi-campus efforts, etc.            
2:30- 4:00

Concurrent breakout sessions

  • Session OneWhat do we know, or need to know about student and faculty attitudes to online instruction?  What evidence do we have (e.g. from individual campus experience, from UCOE prelim evaluation?). How do attitudes change with direct experience?
  • Session Two:  Future of UCOE?  How to separate infrastructure initiatives from instructional content?  What do we know about the near future?
