Goal/Charge: Explore the use of third-party, "click-through" tools in the teaching and learning arena and develop general guidance and best practices for their use.

ConvenersJenn Stringer (UCB) David Levin (UCD)

Shohreh Bozorgmehri shohreh@uci.edu (UCI)
Mary-Ellen Kreher Mary-Ellen.Kreher@ucop.edu (UCOP)
Daniel Suchy dsuchy@ucsd.edu (UCSD)
Benito Gonzalez bgonzalez2@ucmerced.edu (UCM)
David Hutches dhutches@eng.ucsd.edu 

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3/11/14 Notes

Meeting AgendasNotes

March 25, 2014 11am-12pm

Dial in Number: 866-740-1260 Code: 6439923#

  1. Review Meeting Notes Meeting Notes - Click-Through Agreements Task Force (03/11/14)
  2. Charge "construct a response to the ILTC workgroup report to present to ETLG: Vendor "Click Through" Agreements: Workgroup Report for ITLC August 9, 2013
    Proposal for how to accomplish this task - review and respond to the specific recommendations of the report
  3. Complete review of the recommendations of the report (We will not have time to discuss all of these in our 50 minutes today. Shall
  4. Next steps and action items.

March 11, 2014 1pm-2pm

Dial in Number: 866-740-1260 Code: 6439923#

  1. Intros
  2. Charge "construct a response to the ILTC workgroup report to present to ETLG: Vendor "Click Through" Agreements: Workgroup Report for ITLC August 9, 2013
    Proposal for how to accomplish this task - review and respond to the specific recommendations of the report
  3. Review of the recommendations of the report (We will not have time to discuss all of these in our 50 minutes today. Shall we start at the beginning and see if we can get through Indemnification & Risk and Impact?)
  4. Next steps and action items. At 1:40 we should wrap up discussion and
    move to next steps and assignments.

September 25, 2013 - 3pm-4pm

  1. Introductions - 5 min
  2. Our scope and charge - 15 min
    1.  We need to articulate this with help from you all.
  3.  Summary and findings from the ITLC Workgroup report (below) - 10 min
  4.  How our campuses are currently using cloud services and social media for educational purposes - 20 min
    1. Issues/challenges/roadblocks encountered and/or foreseen
  5.  Next steps and meeting schedule - 5 min

Links and Documents:

Vendor "Click Through" Agreements: Workgroup Report for ITLC August 9, 2013This document contains some general recommendations around such agreements. It also suggests policy changes/updates at the UCOP level.
Click-Through Agreements-Privacy-Guidance.docxThis is the document that Mary-Ellen put together based on counsel advice.
https://eee.uci.edu/help/tools/UCI website Third Party Tools and Cloud Computing 
http://its.ucsc.edu/google/index.htmlUCSC's great site explaining the Google tools and their licensing.
https://eee.uci.edu/help/tools/overview/UC Irvine's site explaining Third Party Tools & Cloud Based Computing to faculty. Outline's risk assessment, responsibilities etc.
NASCIO_2013SocialMediaIssueBrief.pdfNational Association of State Chief Information Officers' brief on Social Media
Silent Listeners.pdfSilent Listeners: The Evolution of Privacy and Disclosure on Facebook Fred Stutzman, Ralph Grossy, Alessandro Acquistiz
Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality (2012) 4, Number 2, p. 7-41
These findings highlight the tension between privacy choices as expressions of individual subjective preferences, and the role of the environment in shaping those choices."