IdP software upgrade

If you are running IdP v1.3 or lower consider the following before upgrading to IdP software.

IdP v2.x is substantially different from 1.3 code base.


Did you customize IdP 1.3 in any way? Most istallers have customized to some degree. If you did, do the same i 2.x

Post, Error pages

IdP 1.3 used a jsp to post authn assertion, where as 2.x uses velocity templates. If you customized the post jsp, you will have to customize the velocity templates as well.

You will find the templates at ...

Customize ad copy them to $IDP/webapps/WEB-INF/classes/templates. This will override the default templates that is bundled in the jar.


It s different for each school. UCLA uses custom authentication service hosted by at a different domain. We used RemoteUSerAuthetication. If you are using LDAP auth cosilt Shibboleth wiki/forum.


* Upgrade the software
* Integrate with UCLA SSO
* Convert ARP
* Discovery Service
* Session Clustering using Terracotta

* Develop tools to manage AFP & Metadata

The Work

\* \[Download and build the software\|idp2build\]
\* \[Integrate with UCLA SSO, Customize pages\|idp2.ssointegration\]
\* \[Convert ARP to 2.1 schema\|idp2arp\]
\* \[Integrate with Terracotta\|idp2.terracotta\]
\* \[Develop migration plan\|idp2.migrationplan\]
\* \[AFP and Metadata management tools\|\]
\* Mavenize the project
\* Use SVN for version control
\* \[Discovery Service\|idp2.ds\]
\* \[Testing\|idp2Testing\]
\* \[ARP and Metadata Changes\|ARPMetadataChangesAfterJuly29\]

The People

"IT": Datta Mahabalagiri
Warren Leung
Julia Feldmar
\[Testers On or After 8/8/10\|VolunteerTesters\]


\* \[Project schedule\|idp2.schedule\]