Meeting Notes - 2009-04-27 at UCSF

Date and Time: April 27, 2009, 10:00a-3:00p
Location: UCSF Faculty Alumni House

Agenda and logistics


Venu Alla
Arlene Allen, UCSB
Karin Bliman
Curtis Bray, UCD
Debra Chamberlin, UCB
Ann Dobson, UCSF

Matt Elder, UCSD
Jannelle Fong, UCSF
Greg Haverkamp, LBNL
Bruce James, UCOP
Randy Jones
Julia Koch, UCSF

Datta Mahabalagiri, UCLA
Jeff McCullough, UCB
Riju Myladumkunnel, UCSF
Jocelyn Nakashige, UCSF
John Ober, UCOP
Javed Shah

Hampton Sublett, UCD
David Walker, UCD
Albert Wu, UCLA
Mukesh Yadav,UCSF

Campus Updates

UC Library Use Cases

Quick Items

Provisioning and Non-Web Applications

Consistent Identifiers for the Learning Management System

Next Meeting

Out next meeting will be May's monthly conference call.  Scheduling will begin soon.