UCOP has been in the business of assigning UCNetIDs, primarily to employees, for some years now and the process works admiribly well.  The original idea was to also assign UCNetIDs to students, but this has not worked out nearly as well, and lately the Learning Mangement Community has requested a way for us to identify that Affiliates (e.g., volunteers, docents, etc.) as well as students be given a consistent identifer so that if or when this student or Affiliate becomes an employee that he/she is identified by the same identifier and retains his learning history.

UCOP could assign consistent UCNetIDs to these different categories of "persons of interest" if campuses could provide some sort of consistent token.  My question for this group is, do campuses have any way of consistenly identifying employee, students, and affiliates?  Or is the problem we are having just as problematic at the campus level?